Monthly Archives: July 2019


Big Pond Rumours Magazine is OUT for the FINAL time and i’m PROUD to be included.

Click on BPR-Summer below and download!


Corner store

attack what you don’t know.
Catholic values in the way
don’t read up on the history (or)
have a face-to-face
don’t understand the person
or learn to love them in their story
but politicize the way man should
without asking humanity whats the grey.

don’t take in the opposition
discuss what could or was
but stay within your own thoughts


attack within ignorance
true colours in the muted
while muting the questions raised
(or) fearing only mother will praise.

stay in the past – old stories deep rooted
don’t open your eyes or travel to learn.
this is how the phoniness sets in
how the lies become truth
how your beliefs become testament
to a world living all around you.

if it’s not politics
it’s religion –

where your mind should join heart
to open your eyes
before your mouth starts to write
before your writings become stone
(or) your truth has you trapped.

scared in your own lies – smartest man in your own room……
lying that you understand
when you know you never really asked……

The Child Here Within

i want to be a child again
when life used to matter
and death was always at the door- (but)

you didn’t believe it

so never really feared it
but you sucked it
in and now……

i want to be a child again

red pencil number two
and scribble as fast as

outside the lines

until the heat lights the orange and
you can see the fire
like the wind through long dry grass

rustling oh rustling
just rustling and sucking it in…

…but the smoke doesn’t kill you
and the fire burns safely
in the campfire pit

you’re a child who’s listening

to pain as it begins
all these adults still playing
not knowing where pain begins
not knowing in 20
or 30 or 40 – (just living as family)

and i want to be….

oh i wish to be

but i move forward instead
and it’s all just
trapped within……

who to pass it onto?
just throw it
to the wind

and hope maybe
you made a difference
to just one of them

and it’s all carried on the wind…..


split open like a pea
a split pea
…………………………. legs out like a t
today’s letter ‘is’ T
………………………… hold
…………………………… steady
……. hold

pencils out
.. ‘n
. draw

there is nothing to hide here
move your chair if you are uncomfortable
and why would you be … un
… comfortable
… ?

it is not you who has to hold this ……..p
…………………………………………sit P ion
…………………………………………… T
…………………………………………… I
…………………………………………… O
…………………………………………… N

a pea
.. a split
pea ……..

what people remember most on trips

i don’t know why seeing you naked always
puts me in the mood for apples. It’s as though my
stomach is speaking instead of my heart
or my heart is really set on having some

but –

here we are in bed again
and your bosoms sway in ways
and transform in
ways i didn’t know were possible depending
on what position we take after
having a smoke.

perhaps it’s this unhealthy ritual afterwards –
having a smoke and kicking the sheets
off our legs.

after what we’ve done
got nothing left to hide
but our bodies seem to what to choke out the

so perhaps i will go to the kitchen
i’ll stand at the counter and search out the bowl of red
while you saunter over the refrigerator and
decide on milk to help you sleep or a cold glass of white
wine to help you forget.

i’ll join you there
and we’ll feel as though here at midnight
we’re being painted –

that’s what you’ll recall about our trip to the east coast when
people ask what you remember best. but

we’ll exclude what brought us down to the midnight kitchen
and everyone will wonder why during the entire trip
all i wanted at various times

were apples….

Refrigerator: Alex Colville, (Alex Colville, Refrigerator, 1977
Acrylic polymer emulsion on hardboard, 120 x 74 cm).

Alex Colville, in full David Alexander Colville, (born August 24, 1920, Toronto, Ontario, Canada—died July 16, 2013, Wolfville, Nova Scotia), Canadian painter whose detailed works depicted everyday subject matter and possessed a mysterious, mythic quality that belied psychological acuity. Though he worked during the heyday of the abstract art movement, Colville never deviated from his figurative style.

Muleta Lazy Love mixed in Summer Colours

i want to eat your roses
with the morning coffee sun
the glass vase between your legs
as you sit on the windowsill picking petals

i find you in bed strewn with the silhouette of drapes
their pattern spread over your body
while you swear off heat of day
brush hand across night stand
knocking pencil off homemade maps
‘it’s too hot to travel today’

the last rose is thrown over my shoulder
it is too early to tango
but perhaps i could be the matador
ripping sheet off bed and raising your faux anger to boiling point

there is no meaning at the moment to our black and pink life
(this Summer classic)
neither of us want to join the current world
this cottage is parked outside a small fenceline
a field forgotten to be anything more than nostalgia
and we are our only lovers waiting on evening solitude

we sleep now in the harvest moon darkness curled –
your arm draped over my shoulder
the curtain on wooden rod blowing above and across our dreams
hanging from its hooks above the window….

Muleta: The muleta is a stick with a red cloth hanging from it that is used in the final third of a bullfight. It is different from the cape used by the matador earlier in the fight (capote de brega).

The muleta obscures the sword, and as in his earlier work with the cape, the bullfighter uses it to attract the bull in a series of passes. The red colour of the muleta is actually unnecessary, though, as bulls are dichromatic, meaning neither the cape nor the muleta colour can be accurately discerned by the bull. The colour is retained merely for tradition.

Black and Pink life: Black and Pink create red

Harvest moon: Harvest moon is orange. Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation. … In heraldry, orange is symbolic of strength and endurance.

Pleating or Pleading

I like it when
you’re not in the dress
but holding it
it against you

asking for my opinion

you’re pleating it down your leg
or pleading against my thoughts for opinion

– and each time i’m going to say no –

just watch you drop the dress
turn and walk away
past mirror and pull down another

starting the whole
pleading process


why i can’t make a decision for you.