Mary in the Sun

Top kitchen floor,
home – 
sun streaming in, reflected off ocean

A home island

flowers in a voss sit,
1 week post op

Water needs changing
petals are bruised and dry
some stem and leaves are in need


by the window
steps forward and whispers,

Infected flowers are removed –
brown, brittle leaves are pulled,
water is refreshed, 
bottom stems where veins no longer function properly…..
are cut away

Mended flowers are moved off the island
placed back in vase and re arranged

– With Mary, they are back in the sun –

returning to full strength
overlooking the bright ocean 
reflecting in the light, from the kitchen window

Going through above process
Mary says, 

Trust the science
put faith in action
worry not about too much or 
not enough

Forget time
life begins again

– and you are not to know more than that –

The flowers will be fine
they will continue once again on their normal life span
they will rise strong in the sun
and will not thirst

if you

trust in the water offered…….

Tears of Faith

Goose of the wild
Holy in flight
o'er the land
water of open
Where it can settle
and mature

Grow Within

Bringing snow to
muddy waters
and faith healed

* Goose of the wild spirit: Throughout the history of western art and civilization the geese served as religious icons to which virtuous qualities were attached. In early Christian art they represented the theological idea of Divine Providence. They were harbingers of weather and changes of season, and therefore seen as blessing from God.

* Muddy waters and faith healed: In the bible 2 Kings 5 ....Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but was struck with leprosy. Naaman went to the King of Israel in search of a cure. The prophet Elisha told him to wash in the river Jordan. Naaman was insulted as he was used to the melted snows of Mount Hermon, which was considered the finest source of flowing water in the middle east. To be told to swim in the muddy waters of the Jordan to be healed, was an insult. In the end, he followed the suggestion and let faith take over. He swam in the 'dirty' water and was healed....

coffee or gin?

Finding peace in sadness
joy in the quiet
the aloneness vs loneliness

One more cup i guess

Earl grey drfting
soap suds in sink
record machine rolling
old book curling
rock music in the house
a tune a sip

Honey, ?

Are you ready for a trip….


My sand
is not in an hourglass

its scatters from my hand
over the waves

inside the ocean
floating perfect in its own time

Onto the ocean floor


I sit around packed boxes in the house
it’s now a lonely place that was once a home

But this is the military life

you make a home
and then you dismantle

You move on

create a new house into home
temporary for a while

But permanent in your heart

base transfer

New town start over

nerves of a student at end of summer

adrenaline expectations


the jenney grist mill

The bell of a trumpet is a seashell to my ear
the ocean speaking to me
in a small pub

Ghosts pausing and waiting in the alleyway
and when I walk home drunk with you we will hear the grain mill
in the background

Once again the words will be speechless
because the trumpet says it all
within in a universal language.

what is (your) man thinking?

The dog is enough to take the edge off of loneliness
but in human form I realize
I would never want a stranger
laying beside me


military families

Sometimes we gotta work together
between separate countries

Be partners in separate
time zones

Husband and wife
over phone

Casting our support
and love as one

from different rooms…

Eyes and Peas, Towns V Communities

Death of Summer
kitchen bouquet
the beauty hills
North Bay
– called the, North Bay
southerners can’t
spell Nipissing
Funeral on the trees
says, God has a beautiful plan to

Winter wind blows
steals Spring away
the airport can’t land Toronto
and the rural residents can’t contemplate
rural living here,
is the same as rural life anywhere else
until the gate closes at the counter
and the bear flies towards permanent
not towns

In this kitchen,
roses light up a dry room
a candle sits on the island
coffee brews and the dog whispers wisdom
nipping his own leg
scratches behind ears
– Saturday
plays out,
morning, moves towards