Tag Archives: martin durkin

The Swim

when she swims
and the pool pulls her form
rectangular in the deep end
disappearing over the lines at the  bottom
a race that stretches her body
until her frame pops up piercing
and grabbing the side to wipe her face
while it all slides down over and away
wishing she will return

  • myself wishing to join….


it’s always night or we wouldn’t need light
tiki the backyard with patio lanterns
string solar flares down the clothesline
pay the fines and start a bonfire
dance around the piano and sit back down

  • it’s always night or we wouldn’t need light…

if it weren’t for the light
if it weren’t for the night

…if it weren’t for midnight

oh Alaska
oh North Bay

  • oh Theo…

…it’s always

It’s Always night or we wouldn’t need light – Quote by Theolonious Monk


out the window
she peers into morning sun
coffee percolates on stove
laundry on highrise line is pulled in

her bare feet walk back across the wooden floors
and she dresses while i watch knowing

she is lost inside thoughts
the world is being painted on her body
and i learn more about myself when she asks me to travel
sharing her morning  

leaving part of herself tattooed on my chest
if the coffee is burnt

i don’t care.


she’s not going to
NOT strut her stuff
she’s tired of hiding in shame
climbing through stone fences
trying to re-enter the

now that she knows what stuff
she STRUTS she’s going to put on
war paint
she’s going to make a peacock a companion
and hold the bird the way a woman I
know holds onto her dog

like a

In this world you have to fight
fight for your RIGHT
pick up a weapon without shame
abort heaven knowing

in understanding
she’s going to TEASE


– until Adam or Adam’s God
gets IT.

lavender apples

she calls for me
banging together lavender branches
standing under apple blossoms
white and falling
chopping down crab apple trees
pink and shattering green grass in the rain
in humility she robes herself
and the lavender forms into a purple crown
she calls me to the bed chamber
the petals have fallen – and – the mattress is soft
our wedding day has been blessed by November skies.

Lavender: Lavender flowers are known to represent purity, silence, devotion serenity, grace and calmness. In addition to the flower’s significance, its purple colour also comes with great symbolism. Purple is the colour of royalty and speaks of elegance, refinement and luxury.

Apple blossoms: Apple Tree Blossoms Symbolism
The blossoms from an apple tree during this season of new life symbolize fertility and plentiful bounty. The light floral scent from the beautiful tree brightens the day for all passers by and were formerly used to decorate and improve the scent of people’s bedchambers.

a Ben E. King song

the angel of death dances on railroad tracks
old abandoned ones in the woods
forgotten mining towns
once a day running through a lost city
wondering about its tourism
while the airport slumbers
and kids in their 50’s quote Stephen King movies

-but you can’t stop progress
and when you’re in between
you’re neither above the fold or in a position to bleed.

This Is Where She Steps In

hypnotizing you as she pirouettes on the rusty red
avoiding slivers in the toes
or stumbling on wheel grease gravel
-a long time trickster-

 a first time dancer to your eyes
teen aged again watching her

but in this town you retire for the scenery
you’re allowed to leave the game and change your name
you can be transferred underground and monitor the world
but you can never age forward or grow into
thinking you can start out and be with

this little town won’t allow it
and the rest of Ontario doesn’t remember who you were

Ben E King: was an American soul and R&B singer and record producer. He is best known as the singer and co-composer of “Stand by Me”

Stephen King: is an American author of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, crime, science-fiction, and fantasy novels. His books have sold more than 350 million copies, and many have been adapted into films including the film Stand By Me

Separate Skills

i want you to face me
turn away from the bookshelf
black thong stretch
too hot for a top
walk towards the fan
drop the thong drop
on the couch
and tell me to leave
because it’s that

i want you to lay on the bed
skin too fair to sun tan
but stay in your skin
ass up with belly down
and text your texts to the stars
and digital world of non existents
you will be someone else’s beauty queen
because you are just that


the Summer heat has died down
the fighting is over
passports are renewed
luggage is separated

i hope you know where you’re going
growing beyond me
unable to fight or care for
caring is such an evil


swimming in the ocean is an elusive experience
God speaks to you as you are drowning
muffled distant words bubbling beyond your ear
and as you float on your back
you believe you can see it all
staring into the sun
looking past the blue – blue sky
the water drying all around
caked in salt….


here is the healing part
but is it solo or dual citizenship?
you are still that beautiful
but life is sometimes ugly


the house is a hot word
air taps on the window but the luckless breeze
sends it afternoon home
and inside the home the house is filled with rooms
questions and kisses
or memories of
and sleep comes late into the night
morning leaves the sheets to battle
this July heat
2 weeks of rage before
8 months of sweaters
and 1 or both pair
of boots?

table top removal

sit in silence
eat sushi –
jump out of the silver tuna can
trailer kimono

let it fling off into the air

grab clothes off the line
drink the mason jar
jingling ice –

fish flopping flip flopping

suction cupped dirty ground
out of control tornado living
air stream madness closing door

in the heat of day scream
‘i no longer love you’
but –

‘i can’t live without with you’

slam back down in the crooked seat
elbow on table –
posts removable to make bed

rice hiding

orange and pink artwork
paper plate take out –
kimono laying in the dirt grass
clothes still on the line
mason jar ready

for a

when we have a chance….

let’s have a smoke at the top of the world
a ‘fuck you’ to oxygen and a toast to accomplishment
sit in silence above the birds
escape of the mundane – doing dishes
the night sweat of hands in hot water and fantasies
of sexual marital house cleaning.
let’s sit here above the scenery
an aeroplane – aerial view
square mileage quilted
showing us the farm framed picture
similar to the one on the wall in the family kitchen.
we’re higher than that now
above the tree topped clouds of green and white.
we can jump off and listen to the whistling in our ears
knowing that silence is more deafening
and that death is less painful than living a pointless life.



Which is art
the painting or

Which is serious
the ukulele or

Which is truth
hetero or

Is it
understanding or
the love of Understanding

The love to
understand or
the evolution of the Word itself?